Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Feeding your hamster
So owning a hamster isn't just bonding and having fun with it there are also the dirty and tedious times. Dirty times are cleaning the cage, and tedious times are the basic care like giving it fresh water and food. But if you are a proper owner you will be willing to do these chores.

So lets start off with this, feeding your hamster a proper diet is important, it can give your hamster a longer life-span. You should be feeding them a diet of EITHER extrusion (pellets to feed your hamster with nutritions. Or you can feed them regular hamster feed (sunflowers, dried corn, grains... etc...) these are 2 healthy diets.
Feeding your hamster fresh fruits and vegetables is perfectly fine but make sure you know if what your feeding it is safe for your hamster. You can also buy treats from the petstore *example* Yogurt Drops* a yummy treat or reward for your hamster! All of this stuff can be bought from PetSmart, Petco, PetValue, PJS Pets... etc

Cleaning your hamsters cage *yuck* but its something your gonna have to do!
When cleaning your hamster's cage you need to make sure you
#1. Empty the dirty shredding
#2. Clean the cage with soap or vinegar
#3. Rinse the cage out completely
#4. Dry the cage with a towel, paper towel, or air dry the cage.
#5. Put the fresh new bedding inside the cage
You want a fresh non-smelling cage with crisp fresh shredding
and if you follow these instructions this should be what you end up with.

Thanks for reading this weeks hamster information update! :) continue to bond with your hamster

*Want more hamster information through VIDEO?*
Then checkout this channel:
This channel will give you some hamster information and how to keep your hamster healthy!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Owning 2 hamsters

Owning 2 hamsters is a big responsibility. And if you think you want to purchase 2 hamsters than you need to consider these facts.
1. You need to buy another cage, clean 2 cages each week, feed 2 hamsters everyday, bond with each hamster separately, water each hamster, buy another wheel, but another salt wheel, buy another pack of chewing sticks, buy more treats, you now have to buy 1 more of EVERYTHING.

2. If your hamster (the hamster you have now) is already an adult 5-6 months than you cannot put any other hamsters in with them. Hamsters are SOLITARY animals and they do not appreciate others company (especially syrian hamsters) dwarf hamsters aren't as bad.

3. The consequences of putting 2 adult hamsters in the same cage are , death of one hamster, death of both hamsters, injuries of one hamster, injuries of both hamsters.

Owning 2 hamsters is HUGE responsibility and is quite a challenge.
~I have 2 hamsters and this is coming from personal experience :)
Good Luck
Checkout my youtube account to find out more pet info:

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Happy Home=Happy Hamster

If you want your hamster to be happy, then they're going to need a happy home. What you can do to give your hamster a happy home is:

#1. Fresh proper food packed with nutrients. Like living world extrusion.
#2. Fresh soft clean bedding, a dirty house can lead to bacteria and wet tail.
#3. Fresh cold water. Your hamster should always be provided with clean, fresh, cold water. Dehydration can easily kill them
#4. Good climate. Your hamster shouldn't be in a over heated room, or a freezing cold room. If you live up in a really cold country, than put extra effort to make sure they are warm.
If you live somewhere like florida, las vegas, or any hot area than make sure they aren't over heated and in a cool room.
Extra Items
#1. Wheel, good for your hamster to get exercise on. Its fun, healthy, and something that your hamster can use to burn fat!
#2. Chewing sticks, to prevent your hamsters teeth from growing super long. Buy wooden sticks so they can chew away.
#3. Exercise ball, good to take your hamster outside in.
#4. Healthy treats (store bought) such as Yogurt Drops (Living World). Treats can be used as a treat or as an award.
#5. Extra toys...etc.... make sure the toys are safe!!!
These are my tips on how to give a hamster a happy safe and fun life! :)
Written by LadyUglyDoll.
*New post every week!*

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sexing/Telling If Male Or Female

So you've chosen your hamster and your both very happy together but now we need a name!!! Hang on... we can't name a girl Bob and a guy Jessica...right??? So we need to know the gender...but how we will figure that out is the question? Well that's EASY!
#1. You have to look at.. ahem... the hamster's genital area. Well first pick up your hamster (go check out my handling post if you need help on that) and look below your hamster. There genital area is located just below their stomach/under their tail.
#2. If it's a male you will see...ahem... a penis awkward discussion but the males will have more of a bulge, that is visible from behind. (You also will see their testicles) The males genital is just above their bum hole/anus.
#3. For a female if you pick her up you will see nipples/breasts down from her mid chest to hips. You will also see no bulge underneath. You will just see her lady parts. Her breasts are used to feed her young. Try your best when handling a female hamster to avoid her breasts only to avoid pain for her.

-Sorry if this was slightly disturbing for you in any way but this is probably the only technique you can use to tell the gender between a male and female hamster.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Taming Your Hamster

So once you've picked out your new hamster and your ready to start training them, then this is how you can start. Make sure your hamster is ready to be trained, you should wait a week or two before you start handling your hamster.
So once your both ready this is how you begin:
1. Make sure your hamster is awake. Gently and smoothly approach your hamster. Make sure they are 100% awake then you can start stroking them/petting them. Go easy make sure your stroking them in the direction their fur is naturally going in.

2. Don't jump to this step. Make sure you have spent at least 2 or 3 days petting your hamster for 10 to 20 minutes each day. After these couple days you can start picking your hamster up. Your hamster is probably more comfortable with you now. So gently wrap your hands around the waist of your hamster. Slowly and carefully lift them from the ground. Quickly put your free hand under your hamster for support.

3. Good Job. If your hamster nips you/bites you don't be angry with them. They are probably just uncomfortable or afraid. Rinse the wound with cold water and apply peroxide to your wound. Put polysporin and a bandaid.

Thanks For Reading I Have Some Videos Here Relating to Hamsters @:
Stay Tuned For Next Weeks Hamster Blog on Blogger!!!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Picking a Hamster

So your at the store and your trying to pick out your new furry friend. There's so many furry fellas, such a big selection to choose from. Well before you randomly pick one try this method:
1. Ask one of the employees to let you see the hamsters.
2. Touch and handle some of them.
3. Take some time to think about which on suits you best. Think it over.

-If there are 2 hamsters you like you must think of the pros and cons of each hamster and compare.
-Here's a tip if you want a hamster to bond with get only 1 hamster.